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I'm better now. I don't feel any animosity towards Catholics or their religion. I have been Catholic since I was born. So why change now, you ask? Well actually, it has been brewing for some time. The little differences in the opinion are mostly what bother me. I don't want to get into them right now, however I can tell you of the 'straw that broke the camel's back', so to speak. I heard the Cardinal speak backing proposal 2, the further definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. This made me angry. In one sentence, the Cardinal spoke of forgiveness and tolerance of Catholics towards everyone else, and then he states that the Catholic church will not tolerate the recognition of same sex marriages. It made me feel sick. First, if two people love each other then they should be allowed to get married if they want. It would be discrimination otherwise-something the Catholic church supposedly speaks out against. Second, the Catholic church should stay out of politics. They should worry about administering to the sick, dying, deprived, and to the spiritual health of their members. It probably wouldn't hurt if they tried to educate those that don't understand what they practice WITHOUT trying to convert them. I realize now that, for my own spiritual health and sanity, it's time for a change.