
a journal, of sorts

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Scary drivers?

I'm out driving today, and coming up on a stoplight. I look in my rearview mirror-I always do so I can see if someone's going to hit me(I hate suprises)-and I see a car fast approaching. At first it looks like it isn't going to stop in time, but it does stop and only inches from my rear bumper too. My now widened eyes take in what my brain still hasn't quite comprehended: a fairly young, blond haired (with cornrows, I might add) woman who is smoking a cigarette and talking on a cell phone. She has a handicap parking sign dangling from her rearview mirror and a very young child in the passenger seat next to her(wearing a seatbelt-thank God). I am waiting to turn left, so I can watch how she is talking while waving about her free(?) hand. I really don't know how she could steer her car- either by extreme skill or by sheer luck. I found it unnerving that she was driving around a small child, but the child seemed calm, relaxed and content and the woman's car seemed to be in good shape(granted I could not see all of it). Maybe what I witnessed was a weird but true example of the ability of women to multi-task effectively and efficiently? Maybe...but I have also seen women AND men talking on cell phones and driving like idiots. Cell phones could indeed be the great social equalizer when people use them while driving. All this leads me to a simple(?) equation(Jen, I hope you appreciate this!):
people(cell phones)+driving = me scared shitless


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