
a journal, of sorts

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I Hate Change...

Not the money kind either-
Well, I don't actually hate it, but it makes me uncomfortable. I know I need to work on it, because it shouldn't make me feel that way. I know that not falling into a monotonous pattern is good. It keeps you on your toes, ideas stay fresh, bad habits are avoided (I think), everything stays exciting, right?
I have a friend who's leaving(the state, that is). I wish he wasn't, but he is. Danny was able to transfer his job back to his birthplace, California. He came out here a few years ago, moving to be with a girl he had met and was getting close to. I met him at work and, both of us being musicians, we became friends. He's been through a great deal, that guy. I won't go into it. Ed's mom let Danny a room when an apartment lease, with others, went sour. That was cool. Ed(I also met him at work), Danny and I got together as often as we could for pizza, ps2, or just hanging out. Lately, because of schedules, it's been less and less. Now he'll be gone the 20th. Man, I don't want to seem selfish, but change SUCKS! I can say though, without any difficulty, that I am happy that he was able to transfer his job. I know he misses his family, after all he did move out here on his own. I hope we were a good enough surrogate family for him. All I can say is that I am glad that I had the opportunity to get to know him. It was great times, and I look forward to the future when we'll hopefully get the chance to hang out again. Rock on, Brother!


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