
a journal, of sorts

Monday, December 20, 2004

It's the know what that means

It's December 20th, you know what that means- five more days to get your shopping done and Danny's on a plane back to California, if he's not there already. I can't believe how much I this messes with me. Ah well, it's not like we're not friends still. It's that change bullshit. I gotta deal with it better. Maybe a New Year's Resolution?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Is it me or...

Is it me, or is there an insane amount of ribbons on cars lately? You know, the magnetic ones that say "Support Our Troops" or "God Bless America". It's nice to show support and patriotism for our country, but I wish the ribbons raised money for a worthy cause. At least the ones I've seen for sale came from a place like Murray's Discount Auto Stores, or such, and they were offered for regular retail. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they do raise money for something. I hope people that do put ribbons on their cars understand that support and patriotism isn't limited to that act alone. We should be helping to look after and take care of the families of those soldiers who were killed doing what our government thought was in our best interest to do. Putting a magnetic ribbon on your car and forgetting about it is a hollow act. Sometimes we Americans forget just how good we have it. I know it's easy to do with busy lives and all the other privileges we've been allotted over the years. If you see an armed forces vet, or current soldier, thank them. They sacrificed a great deal to get and maintain our freedom.
P.S. Keep an eye out for my car- it'll be the one without the ribbon.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I Hate Change...

Not the money kind either-
Well, I don't actually hate it, but it makes me uncomfortable. I know I need to work on it, because it shouldn't make me feel that way. I know that not falling into a monotonous pattern is good. It keeps you on your toes, ideas stay fresh, bad habits are avoided (I think), everything stays exciting, right?
I have a friend who's leaving(the state, that is). I wish he wasn't, but he is. Danny was able to transfer his job back to his birthplace, California. He came out here a few years ago, moving to be with a girl he had met and was getting close to. I met him at work and, both of us being musicians, we became friends. He's been through a great deal, that guy. I won't go into it. Ed's mom let Danny a room when an apartment lease, with others, went sour. That was cool. Ed(I also met him at work), Danny and I got together as often as we could for pizza, ps2, or just hanging out. Lately, because of schedules, it's been less and less. Now he'll be gone the 20th. Man, I don't want to seem selfish, but change SUCKS! I can say though, without any difficulty, that I am happy that he was able to transfer his job. I know he misses his family, after all he did move out here on his own. I hope we were a good enough surrogate family for him. All I can say is that I am glad that I had the opportunity to get to know him. It was great times, and I look forward to the future when we'll hopefully get the chance to hang out again. Rock on, Brother!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Noi Albinoi

Jen and I rented 'Noi (Albinoi)' the other night. I highly recommend it. Just check the link for a description- All I'll say about it is that it is a beautiful piece. The director went for the whole experience rather than just make a traditional film. I think I need to sit and absorb it more. Happy viewing.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Rubik's Cube

I was trying to solve this bloody thing, and during my contemplation, I realized that I was going about it all wrong. I was trying to solve it one side at a time! It then became a metaphor to me-
Rubik's cube is a metaphor for life, right? Let's think about this...We don't tackle life strictly from one side, do we? Well, maybe some do, but if we focus too much on the 'one side' of life (even if we are dealing with one side strictly at present), won't we miss out on the view of the whole thing? If we don't look at more than one side(of life or cube) at a time, especially when we are trying to solve a problem, might we miss something that will assist us with the solution? Couldn't this limited view of life cause us unwanted stress and hinder our growth?
I wonder if Rubik was really a philosopher...